362: How to Handle Growth in Your Coffee Shop

Chris DeferioManagement, Podcast

How you run things in the beginning of your cafe business cannot remain the same as you get busier and grow over the years. Many shops rely on what they have always done when confronting new challenges brought on by growth and the business of success. In the end, if you don’t iterate and evolve your approach you will add …

359 : Founder Friday! w/ Nigel Price of Drip Coffee Makers NYC

Chris DeferioFounder Friday, Podcast

It’s Founder Friday once again and I am thrilled to shine a light on someone who has built their business on a heart for people, relationships, and an offering of accessible quality coffees. Today we are talking with the founder of Drip Coffee NYC, Nigel Price! Nigel left a career in finance to pursue opening his own coffee shop. Once …

358 : Changing Coffee Through Proportional Pricing w/ Andy and Nanelle Newbom of Torque Coffee

Chris DeferioPodcast, Roasting, Supply Chain

The system works exactly the way it was designed to work…and it needs to be broken. This is the goal of a new model of coffee trade introduced by Andy and Nanelle Newbom through their company Torque Coffee. Andy and Nanelle Newbom are life long coffee professionals who have been foundational in helping establish the standards for transparency and excellence …

356 : 5 Barriers to Progress in Your Coffee Shop

Chris DeferioBusiness, Podcast

Many shops make sense on paper but in practice there is something missing. There are lot’s of unseen barriers to progress and success in your shop that get in the way of the best plans no matter how you rearrange the staff, equipment, hours, ingredients, etc. Today you and I will be chatting about five barriers to progress that are …