355: Baristas! 6 Essential Qualities to Get Yourself Hired

Chris DeferioBarista Craft, Podcast

What are some of the qualities that potential employers most value in a barista and why are they important? Today you and I will chat about the answers and how they make a significant difference in how you are perceived and how you find fulfillment in a job. These are not just qualities that let you stand out in a …

354 : Management Master Class w/ Ryan Fisher of Erewhon Market, L.A.

Chris DeferioManagement, Podcast

Operations management is a distinct from cafe management. At a certain point in your coffee business’ growth it become necessary to have someone whose job it is to manage managers and oversee the operations of the retail shops. This is a critical role that is as much about leadership as it is about decisiveness and and systems. Today we will …

352: Music, Culture, and Coffee w/ Hip Hop Artist, Propaganda

Chris DeferioBarista Craft, Podcast

As long as it has been around, coffee has always attracted creative and artistic people. Whether it is the coffee shop serving as community gathering spots or just the coffee itself inspiring expression, coffee fuels art, music, culture, and human connection. Today we are going to be talking with an artist whose music career has been focused on covering the …

350 : The Physics of Filter Coffee w/ Jonathan Gagné

Chris DeferioBarista Craft, Podcast, Roasting

Brewing a great cup of coffee is what we all strive to do daily. Over the years, our own understanding of how to do this well has grown as the body of literature and content regarding brewing science has increased. Most recently one such resource has been published from someone who has applied their expertise and scientific rigor to the …

349 : Talking About 21st Century Coffee w/ Kenneth Davids

Chris DeferioPodcast, Supply Chain

How specialty coffee has evolved, been understood, and enjoyed has changed greatly over the past 50 years. Today get to talk someone whose career has not developed in parallel with the coffee industry but has been instrumental in advancing some of the best aspects of it. I’m thrilled to have bene able to sit down with the great Kenneth Davids! …

346: Connecting People Through Coffee w/ Celeste Wong of The Girl in the Cafe

Chris DeferioBarista Craft, Career, Podcast

We take for granted the kinds of interactions and connections we make in the course of our daily professional barista lives. An incredible variety of people with unique and interesting stories and perspectives pass through our doors daily. Coupled with the story of coffee itself, this business is a rich and fascinating one. Those are the motivations that led today’s …