301 : Hiring and Training for Excellence

Chris DeferioLeadership, Management, Podcast, Training

These are the two most important and intensive processes in the cafe yet they often are the most rush and poorly thought through. The preparations we make and the actions we take when hiring and training staff will and does create a ripple effect that is felt by everyone who interacts with your business for years to come.

Maybe more than ever, a proper focus on hiring and training with excellence is the key to creating resilience and sustainability in our coffee shops. Strong investment in the beginning helps alleviate issues down the road.

Today we will be going through a detailed presentation I delivered at Coffee Fest that dives into some very practical advice to equip you to bring on, and care for well, the right people for your coffee shop and customers.

We cover: 

  • Values based hiring and the problem of false-promises
  • Building the role and job description
  • Steps of the interview process and the role of feedback
  • Ways to attract staff
  • Proper views toward training and onboarding
  • Structures to equip baristas
  • Patience, follow through and intentionality
  • Manuals and teach trainers to teach

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