Working in coffee, you come across a lot of unexpected career pitfalls. Things that you may not have expected that can lurk just around the corner and lead us off track in our careers and our businesses. That should scare us. At least it should make us vigilant to pay attention and walk out our careers in a way that avoids these dangers.
Today on this slightly Halloween themed episode we will be talking all about what I believe are the major coffee career and business pit falls to look out for and what to do to protect yourself from getting caught in their trap.
We cover:
- The Industry
- Insecure bosses
- The path of least resistance
- Comparison
- Anger and lying to yourself
- Over commitment and boundaries
Related episodes:
- Service, Spite, and Compromise
- 317 : Encore Episode: Death by Comparison
- 267 : The Power of Delegation
- Special: Grossest Stories from the Bar
- Blood Sucking Bosses!
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