317 : Encore Episode: Death by Comparison

Chris DeferioBusiness, Podcast

What happens when we allow ourselves to get caught up in comparing ourselves and our businesses to those around us? The simple answer is that we stifle growth and kill off the joy of what we have and who we are doing it all for.

Way back in 2017 we released an episode called “Death by Comparison” that explores this idea and I thought now would be a good time to bring it back. Why? Simple. Our ability to connect with each other has only increased over the last 4-5 years and with that connection comes the increased likelihood to despair that we do not look like or do the same things as our peers instead of being inspired by them or even happy for them.

So today I hope you listen to this blast from the KTTS past and that it has just as much impact and relevancy for where you are today.



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