010: How Are Competitions Relevant? w/ Jess Steffy: Barista competitions / Coffee Shops / Employee engagement / Professional growth 

Chris DeferioBarista Craft, Career, Podcast

 010: How Are Competitions Relevant? w/ Jess Steffy: Barista competitions / Coffee Shops / Employee engagement / Professional growth  Are barista competitions relevant what I do on the bar every day? How does my business benefit from sending staff to compete? These questions are asked by almost everyone at one time or another when they consider a coffee competitions. Today …

008 : Finding Joy in Coffee w/ Nathanael May

Chris DeferioCareer, Hospitality, Podcast

KTTS 008 : Finding Joy in Coffee w/ Nathanael May CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE! Joyfulness in our work is something we all would like more of. Nathanael May joins us to discuss how we can cultivate joy in our work in coffee. Being a barista and remaining joyful throughout the day can be challenging especially when things just seem to be …

005 : Baristas Speak! Barista Interviews from Coffee Champs Knoxville

Chris DeferioBarista Craft, Career, Podcast

Ep: 005 Baristas Speak! Barista Interviews from Coffee Champs Knoxville 2017 CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE! This weekend I got to go to Coffee Champs in Knoxville, qualifying event for the United States Coffee Championships. While at an event party hosted by Wild Love Bakehouse I sat down with 5 baristas to get their unique take on coffee service, career development, and the future of …