396 : Founder Friday: Before + After Edition! w/ Jonathan Pascual of the Newly Opened Opo Coffee.  

Chris DeferioFounder Friday, Podcast


Welcome to another before and after edition of Founder Friday! Occasionally we sit down with an entrepreneur who is in the process of opening their shop to talk about what they are planning, hoping for, and doing right now. Then we come back a few months post launch and see how things went getting open and the lessons learned in the process.

I am thrilled to have been able to sit down with frequent guest on the show, Jonathan Pascual of Tap Room Coffee in Atlanta. This first half was recorded in December 2021 as he was gearing up for the launch of his new roastery and cafe brand, Opo Coffee which has now been in operation for 2 months.

In this conversation we get to hear the details, planning, and hopes Jonathan had for Opo Coffee and then we get to see how things actually went and the wonderful way that Jonathan and his team have approached this new venture based on values, mission, respect, and a deep care for people.

This is going to be an episode full of incredible insight you won’t want to miss!

We cover:

  • The decision to expand and the first steps
  • Institutional wisdom and learning as you go
  • Having a strong team
  • Values driven operations
  • Taken a stepped approach to launching
  • Generating excitement and serving people
  • How to approach caring for multiple locations
  • Making hard decisions
  • Finding joy and energy amidst the work
  • Trusting your people

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