Working the cash register is not often seen as legit barista work. We’d rather be on the machine because we are closer to the actual product. Fact is, the register is perhaps more important than the machine as it sets up the entire experience for the guest. Either they will get a great first impression or they will have a disappointing and frustrating one that colors the remainder of their visit. As a result of our view toward this section of the bar, baristas, managers, and owners alike, under-invest in it in favor of machine and drink training. There is a real opportunity to level up your shops service and quality by re-prioritizing the register to a place of honor. Today we will discuss these things plus 6 skills that should be taught and practiced at the register to ensure the guest gets a fantastic experience and that the shop runs smoothly and delivers a truly special experience.
Episode 45: Simple. Powerful. Hospitality. w/ Philip Paul Turner
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