179 : What you MUST Know About Employee Culture w/ Stan Slap

Chris DeferioManagement, Podcast


As goes the culture, so goes the company. This is just a fact. All of us want to be able to say that our employee cultures are strong, vibrant, and dedicated to the vision we have set for the company. Unfortunately though, it aint that easy. Today we are addressing this with what I believe may be the most powerful series of insights you’ve ever heard on employee culture and how to work for and with it to amazing success.

I am so pleased to be talking with the great, Stan Slap, author of one of my most recommended books, “Under the Hood : Fire up and Fine-tune your Employee Culture”

Stan is the founder and CEO of SLAP company and has spent the last 3 decades specializing in achieving fierce support from manager, employee and customer cultures. They believe within each of these groups there is one problem that has the biggest impact on the enterprise and one solution that is most valuable, coveted and elusive. The SLAP company has cracked the code on these problems and their solutions are highest rated in many of the world’s highest rated companies. They are currently working in 44 countries countries and ahave achieved amazing results in employee culture at companies like Oracle, CNN, Timewarner, Google, Starbucks, eBay, Viacom, and Microsoft among many others.

I don’t know of a more potent example of what good and bad employee cultural engagement than the elbow-to-elbow laboratory that is the coffee bar. This episode is absolutely a game changer and foundational listening if you want to create and lead an amazing employee culture.

In this episode you will learn about:

  • 4 of the “7 Deadly Sins of Cultural Engagement”
  • How culture is formed and what it cares about
  • Best practices for engaging and guiding a culture
  • How do we fail our employees?
  • Secrets to scaling culture
  • How to create “cultural legends”
  • Why you cannot coax a culture into giving you what you want
  • Tactics for true communication
  • How do customers factor into your employee culture?

There is honestly so much more here and I implore you to get the book “Under the Hood”, listen to this episode several times, take notes , and see how big of an impact these insights have on your company.





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