Making Trust the Norm

Chris DeferioBlog

Our job in leadership is to provide the conditions under which both staff and customers will succeed.

For customers this means they are successful in their bid to have a great experience in your shop. The music, the coffee, the service, all of the details and parts that make up the whole are consistently there. They come to trust us. Then they bring friends, gush about it to family, and, because of consistency in delivering on those details, they become dedicated long term customers.

The same dynamic is true also of your staff.

The roll you play is to resource them with the elements they need to be well and do well in your shop. This is an ongoing pursuit. It is not an initiative, or a project. It is a way of being that, over time, will win the trust of the staff that they can count the leadership to be consistently providing and pushing the provision of the resources and conditions under which they can thrive. This in turn creates momentum and the staff start to take more ownership, give of themselves more generously, and become cheerleaders for your business. This only happens for both customer and employees when trust becomes is the norm.

When there are breaks from that norm, which there absolutely will be, they will draw upon the history of generous normative behavior and be more likely to give grace.

Without a longterm constant commitment to developing trust through your actions, you won’t have a culture whose norm is trust but one where trust is the exception and disfunction and doubt is the norm.

It all takes time to develop this culture of trust, but the results are exponentially rewarding!


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