Is this for You?

Chris DeferioBlog

When it comes to how we serve people in the cafe, we will inevitably default to our true feelings about what it is we are doing. We can talk all day long about the vision mission and values of the company but if it does not make its way into our attitude both in and out of work then every time we clock in we are in a race against time. How long will it take before we crack, before we break down, before we show our true colors.

Part of how we have to train for our work in hospitality if to adopt a mindset and attitude of hospitality outside work. We bring our true selves to work everyday. It is exhausting to pretend to like people, to like seeing them, to smile while doing it. So we have 3 choices.

  1. Get out of service

The hard truth is that not everyone is meant to be in the hospitality industry. At least not in a customer facing way. To deny this is foolish because we have all had experiences with people who we think “Wow. Who hired them?!” Are we willing to admit that we could also be spoken of the same way? What’s more, are we willing to embrace this not as a negative but as a helpful guide to other, more fulfilling, work?

The world of coffee retail would be spared bad service experiences many time over if we were more honest with ourselves about our capacity and fit for different parts of the industry.

  1. Stay in service but burn out

The other option is that you fight against what may be a sign that you need to relocate and simply allow the tension to build up. I have seen this time and a gin where baristas who are almost combative to customers allow themselves to continue on and are allowed to continue on to the detriment of themselves, the customer, and the business. This leads to burn out and bitterness.

  1. Stay in service and become service oriented

The third option is the option of transformation. I am not a fatalist. I believe if you or I have a particular bent in terms our perceptions and attitudes, we can change that. It starts with being honest both about the current state of ones attitude, then about your desire to change it. You might be an owner, manager, or barista, no matter, your attitude is something that can be changed and in doing so it changes how you show up and traction’s you take in the cafe.

The whole guest experience is not secured by systems but by the people who use them. The inner world of those people will either bring everything up, or bring the whole thing down.

Let’s get honest about where we are. The industry we love depends it.

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